Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Outsider (part1)

“I see too deep and too much.” Henri Barbusse

“The visionary is inevitably an outsider.” Colin Wilson

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

“I get a kick out of being an outsider constantly. It allows me to be creative.” Bill Hicks

The outsider, by definition, is isolated in some way from the dominant thrust of society. She does not find satisfaction in the middle class values of striving for material success and status, seeing these limited focuses as necessarily generating a mediocre and myopic existence.

What others accept easily, the outsider has trouble accepting. She tends towards pressing the issue — ” But why does it have to be this way?” In this way, within the restlessness of the outsider rests the seed of the visionary.

But no great visionary is comfortable in her time, or she would not be a forward-thinker in the first place. We are the misfits for whom the world feels strange. Common to this personality type there is often a prevailing sense of dislocation, a feeling perhaps that home is somewhere but not here...

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